FIX: The character search on main page should now work better with lowercase-searches. Automatic substitution of special characters still supported.
DEV: Fixed character-adding code that got broken in 1.2.0.
DEV: Now using a global MaxBlockH instead of that of the newest index-file.
NEW: A disclaimer added. I may be be prone of jumping to conclusions, so it's good to clarify that.
TXID: XcX3XotvYJwUpuNrF2RcbNvFZQ87U6ZumBenx8loXAc
FIX: An internal issue with index file appending fixed.
FIX: Should no longer FAULT when loading. Might take 1-6 retries still.
FIX: The "A new version is available" dialog should now redirect to the correct version.
NEW: Changelog-section added.
NEW: Now able to view older news.
NEW: Amount of newly added characters, files and players will be displayed after the first visit on 1.2.0.
NEW: Loading now displays more info and can be aborted to change the gateway.
CHANGE: Gateway-selection moved to the top bar (was in options).
CHANGE: Some text in the main- and info-section modified.
DEV: Some quality-of-life changes made to the content-management workflow.
TODO: Cache data for faster loading, add display for new character names, implement alt-verifying functionality, rework layout of the main-section and attend to issues on Firefox + maybe paginate large tables.
Default gateway changed from to - the latter seems to work
slightly better when it comes to the "Query timed out" errors that have been plaguing
GraphQL-queries for a good while now.
Minimum block height for the queries also set to below the most recent full index (to 1565200)
Information regarding alternate methods of accessing the site added in response to
the major gateways seemingly having started blocking the ArNS-name 'erp-gallery'.
TXID: jVnmZ9VdThBELccH2_amBkB1z1qaCV718LqPIDFdVxk
Some bugfixes applied (datafiles sorted poorly, Firefox was reacting to it worse than Chrome.)
The first version that's ready to go live, unless my delivery-methods find something
that really needs to be changed/fixed to achieve the maximum effectiveness. So far,
no feedback has been had.
The first fully operational version with all the features intended for the release.
Built completely according to my own vision without any tester feedback.
This version is still missing some changes (going to move the upper buttons around
and relocate the page titles to the fixed upper portion) and general polish.
Almost feature-complete.
About the site
This is a collection of material related to the trash habitating Argent Dawn EU,
including but not limited to avid ERPers (both known and potential), the denizens of Goldshire, Bazaar and Stormwind harbor,
weak-minded escapists as well as spineless liars.
The site also contains unrelated material intended to provide a baseline and a wider view of what transpires on the realm,
and as such, can be seen as a documentation project focusing on the World of Warcraft subculture.
Being featured on the site does not imply being an ERPer or anything else mentioned above or elsewhere.
The descriptions and metadata associated with the content reflect the author's personal views and opinions and may contain speculation and inaccurate conclusions.
How to retain access to the site
The site and its data are permanently stored in a blockchain called Arweave,
rendering it effectively immutable and indestructible. It can always be accessed by its
transaction ID
via any
Pulling all its content from Arweave, the actual site consists of a single HTML-file containing everything that's required to run it, so mirroring it
or even running it locally is easy.
One more way of accessing the site exists that involves the use of Arweave Name System. The ArNS-name of the site is erp-gallery,
yet at the time of writing this, most of the gateways have opted not to serve this name, and while some still may do so, this has proven to be a method of access that cannot be relied on.
If loading continues to fail, try selecting a different gateway from the dropdown menu at the topleft corner.
It might be worth trying to search for the character in the
characters or files section; the search / filter menu in them comes with more comprehensive search-features.
Character info
Files featured in
Files related to
Files in act
Files with public emotes
Earliest file
Latest file
Character notes
Note here
Player notes
Note here
Player info
Files featured in
Files related to
Files in act
Files with public emotes
Earliest file
Latest file
This is a collection of material mostly related to the ERPers of Argent Dawn EU,
comprising of various screenshots of their endeavours along with data that connects them to their other characters (if available), including other things as well to act as a baseline.
Though I am quick to classify most of the individuals encountered as
male trash, some of them may be self-proclaimed females or even biological ones, yet the
motives of the latter are on average different than the type of people targeted by this project.
The data lives in Arweave - a blockchain designed for long-term data storage - and is accessed via a gateway
by this site (which was written from the scratch without reliance on any frameworks). It uses a custom index file for faster access,
meaning that some amount of delay may exist between the file being uploaded and it becoming browseable.
This site has not been designed with mobile devices in mind; use a proper desktop computer for the best experience.
The files
The files have mostly been uploaded as-is (with the exception of adding EXIF-metadata), but some are cropped and edited for the sake of redaction; these
are generally marked with tailing '-crop' and '-edit' respectively in the filenames, yet some files may have been slipped through without this marking.
Some screenhots are in resolution significantly lower than the prevalent standards of this time period (2024); these files have been either taken
with a client running in VM or in xephyr. Though some detail is lost, it does reflect
positively on the upload costs.
A World of Warcraft screenshot taken with the game client
YYYY-MM-DD - worldofwarcraft.. .jpg/png
An armory-screenshot taken with a web browser (Chromium)
An armory-screenshot taken with the 'puppeteer'-library of node.js. May have been automatically taken.
Screenshot from... .png
An OS-level screenshot that may contain various things.
The source of the alt information is another (proprietary) system of mine - one that collects data both actively and passively, matching
characters based on account-wide attributes present in armory data. Unlike, it does not
employ Blizzard's public API - this acts as both a strength and a weakness as despite of the system being able to operate on data not
otherwise available, it's susceptible to false positives; as such, the list of characters of any given player should be
verified by manually comparing armory data if the information is to be acted upon.
The certainty-levels 'Low' and 'Medium' are designated by the aforementioned system: 'Low' indicates a reasonable possibility of
a false match due to having found only one common attribute (ie. matching battle-pets but no achievements). 'Medium' is given to characters
with more than one matching attribute, and 'High' is generally set by hand after manual verification (though do not count on this;
I added the attribute-level for this web-interface so most of the data does not yet have it set). It's alsp possible that the
characters of the same player are distributed between two or more player-entities in the database.
The data present in this gallery is merely the tip of the iceberg.
File modified
The time of the file in the source filesystem at the time of upload. This is reported by the uploader, and may have been affected by embedding EXIF-data into the file.
Time extracted from the metadata of the image file. May also be inaccurate.
Time from filename
Extracted from the filename. This is generally the most accurate time when it comes to the events depicted in the screenshots.
Upload time
The time the file was mined into the blockchain. One can be reasonably certain that the file existed before this time; it can be verified with a service such as
Most of the files have been processed and uploadedin batches, resulting to a group of files having similar upload (mining) times, though
the most interesting content has been mined right away to have the block time closer to the time the material was captured. I've also
started to get into a habit of uploading the content sooner, if not immediately after being captured, as the metadata can now be retroactively
added (as opposed to embedding it into the EXIF-data - continuing to do that wouldn't hurt).
It is possible for a discrepancy to exist between the time seen in the upper-right corner of ingame-screenshots and the date at the bottomleft corner -
the former is in realm time, while the latter displays the local time and is not frequently updated; if the realm time is between 00:00 and 00:59, it
may be that the date displayed at the bottomleft corner is one day too early (as local time in most of the screenshots is one hour before realm time).
World of Warcraft
A massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG).
A glorified version of playing pretend / make-believe, an act suitable for kids and socially-deprived or weak-minded adults.
Erotic roleplaying (ERP)
A variant of the above that commonly focuses on bringing sexual pleasure to the player that practices it, regardless of how much some like to assert that it's just what their characters would do.
People who practice erotic roleplay with the focus on sexual pleasure instead of romance, doing so with whoever is around and willing to sate their needs.
Males trying to get other males to masturbate to their imaginary characters.
Though futanari originally referred to characters both primary genitals, most ERPers use the term to denote a female characters equipped with something extra.
Male trash
Males (most often) playing female characters and fucking one another without any notion of loyalty, commitment or in many cases, even affection, using whoever happens to be around and willing to sate their needs.
A personal instanced area that can be entered by those in the same group. The most notably features include a full-fledged inn in the Alliance-version as well as a proper prison in its Horde-counterpart.
Goldshire, Bazaar and Stormwind harbor
Garbage-dumps that the kind of trash featured in this archive tends to accumulate into.
Out of Character; a context that involves no roleplay, ie. communication between players.
In Character, ie. currently roleplaying.
Earliest file
Latest file
Got some material that would make a fine addition to the collection, spotted some incorrect data, or perhaps you experience a fervent desire to throw some insults at me?